Al Gore's Truth or Consequences

It's easy to feel powerless when it comes to global warming. But here are some of the best ways we can all make a difference.

Fact: The average auto spews almost half a kilogram of carbon dioxide every 1.5 kilometers.
Fix: Hitch a ride a couple of days. Cutting down on driving just 30 kilometers a week would save about 450 kilograms of the greenhouse gas.

Fact: Homeowners spend as much as $450 a year more than they have to because of inefficient energy use.
Fix: Get home audit to identify where your home is poorly insulated or inefficient.

Fact: Every year, 12 million barrels of oil are used to produce the 100 billion plastic shopping bags we use once and toss in the landfill, taking centuries to decompose.
Fix: Keep reusable tote bags in the car for all grocery stops.

Fact: The average meal travels many kilometers by truck, ship or plane, producing thousands of kilograms of carbon emissions, before it reaches your table.
Fix: Shop at farmers' markets and food co-ops.

Go to for other ways to fight global warming with your knife and fork.

(Adapted from the book "An Innocent Truth")


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